Sunday, February 7, 2010

and so on...

The life is a stage. Everyone comes here, plays his part and moves backstage. There are no rehearsals; every performance is the final one. Some play their roles smoothly, some keep on making blunders; some are always perfect from the very beginning. Why always this pressure for perfection? Why not leave me to play my part freely? People expect that I would always be the perfect one, rather cover up other’s imperfection with my smooth finish. Nobody ever considered the fact that I too am a human being, prone to making mistakes and learning from them. I am supposed to be the good girl, the benevolent fellow, the generous friend, the understanding partner and so on…

I should be the faultless possession my owners would like to flaunt and display in front of others. I am supposed to behave like the machine which should operate faultlessly just because it was tagged by a brand and came in with a lifetime guarantee and so on...

I have never been allowed to be myself. I had been just like the water which had continuously been transferred from one vessel to another. The vessels never changed themselves for me; I had to change myself for them. I went with the flow shaped me according to circumstances and and so on…

 I have been stabbed again and again, front, back, everywhere, but I could never cry out “et tu brute” coz mine was never a Brutus, it was “brutuses” and so on...

Have I learnt to endure, or have I become indifferent? Have I tried to exaggerate my pains, or has fate tried to exaggerate itself through me and so on...


  1. this is an unrandomly random thought

  2. This is brilliant. Absolutely and unbelievably brilliant.. (I know the subject being dealt with here isn't really the happiest, but this is so wonderfully written, that I couldn't stop myself.)
